Expertise Areas.
During the course Design Innovation Methods, I learned how multiple models (Value Proposition, Problem-Solution Fit, etc.) could be used to analyse the User and Market.
Responsible Innovation for the World taught me how to work with external stakeholders and how to design responsible products for a market in a very different country. The Hack The Normal 2022 event hosted by Beko taught me more about developing a new concept in a very short time span and still be able to build a complete practical solution.
Contributing Activities
Design Innovation Methods
Responsible Innovation for the World
Hack The Normal 2022 (Project 3 Extracurricular Activity)
Final Bachelor Project: NOISE-1
Within my FBP, I managed to use different models to create a very specific value of the concept regarding the end user and market. I also worked with multiple stakeholders to realise this value, allowing multiple perspectives to be taken into account during the design process.
During the Design <> Research course I learned a lot about different design and research processes, highlighting the role of reflection during the design process. My exchange semester at ESDi taught me a lot about materials and their effects on design, taking into account their qualities and characteristics. Through Aesthetics of Interaction I got aware of novel interaction experiences using different design iterations and methods.
Contributing Activities
Aesthetics of Interaction
Exchange semester (ESDi)
Exploratory Making
Design <> Research
Final Bachelor Project: NOISE-1
For the research part of my FBP, I applied the multiple design and research processes from the Design <> Research course to discover possible concept directions of the project. Besides that, I also explored design options of the product through multiple prototyping techniques learned about during Exploratory Making and my Exchange semester.
I developed a lot of skills in doing extensive data analyses. During Data Analytics for Engineers, I got introduced to Python and how to use Python for different analysing techniques. Through Making Sense of Sensors it was taught how sensors could be used to gather large datasets, and how to analyse them using Python again. During Intelligent Interactive Products, it was learned how machine learning could be used in combination with data, especially focusing on using machine learning algorithms to learn from the datasets.
Contributing Activities
Making Sense of Sensors
Data Analytics for Engineers
Intelligent Interactive Products
Final Bachelor Project: NOISE-1
During this project I did a lot in the M, D & C Expertise Area. I gathered qualitative and quantitative data through user tests, which I analysed in different ways. I also implemented machine learning in my prototype, for which I used data that I recorded from hand movements. Lastly, I looked at the responsible use of user data and the security behind it.
I first got into contact with basic programming language and electronics during Creative Electronics and Creative Programming. This knowledge was implemented in the communication with students from other disciplines during Engineering Design. During Creative Mechanical Engineering I focused on designing systems using calculations and mathematical tools to realise the technical and economic feasibility of the product. I developed my skills in using Artificial Intelligence to analyse data during the Data-Enabled Design Workshop organized by Philips.
Contributing Activities
Intelligent Interactive Products
Creative Mechanical Engineering
Engineering Design
Data-Enabled Design Workshop (Philips)
Creative Electronics
Creative Programming
Final Bachelor Project: NOISE-1
During my FBP I created a prototype that works with machine learning algorithms. This also resulted in new skills of working with actuators, sensors and algorithms. Scientific writings from other disciplines were used to gather knowledge in multiple areas of the project, regarding the scientific realization and technical realization.
During Intercultural Design I learned about the different roles, values and cultures when analysing your target group. When designing something, it is of great importance to take into account the background of the target group. User-Centered Design taught me multiple user-centered design methodologies to obtain information from the end-user and thus guide the design choices. During Aesthetics of Interaction, personas were created and role play was used to delve into possible design solutions for these users. This showed a new way of understanding the end user of the product, which was very interesting.
Contributing Activities
Intercultural Design
User-Centered Design
Aesthetics of Interaction
Final Bachelor Project: NOISE-1
This Expertise Area was more difficult to apply in the project than expected, since there was no clear target group or end user of the product. However, the role play design method was applied in the user test to make the participants experience the project in the optimal way. This also taught me that creating such a user study for a specific context also affects the quality of the results of the user study.
Design Research Processes.
The development within this area especially resulted from Project 3 and Design Innovation Methods. Since Project 3 was a research project, knowledge from the previous courses about research methods were applied. Research was done into multiple interviewing methods, after which three different interviews were conducted. The Design Innovation Methods course taught me how to identify creative topics that address important aspects of a project.
Contributing Activities
Project 3
Design Innovation Methods
Final Bachelor Project: NOISE-1
During my FBP I applied multiple research methods to research and develop the definite concept of the project. Academic research was used to explore the scientific and technical aspects of the project, after which multiple design methods were used to develop the final design.
Professional Skills.
During my Bachelor’s degree, I believe I developed most on Cooperation, Finding and processing (scientific) information and Communication. Where in the beginning I found it very hard to accept feedback and critique received from group members, I now want people to give feedback and critique. Besides this, I have developed a specific leading role in Cooperation. In previous years, I would take a source from the Internet and just hope that it is a reliable source. However, when processing (scientific) information now, I always do research into the source and validate whether it is a reliable (scientific) source. Throughout this years I have also developed my Communication skills, especially during my exchange semester. I followed most of the courses in Spanish, which I was not able to speak before going on this exchange. That is why it was very important that the way I wrote and presented my projects would be even stronger on the Communication part, since I would still make mistakes in the Spanish language.
Lastly, I have also developed in Reflection and Planning and organizing. I have learned which types of reflection I prefer, and how to use them, either during the design process, or after the design process. My Planning and organising also became stronger, due to the fact that in my second year I had many difficulties with managing all the different things that I was doing. However, I learned how to focus more on Planning and organising, resulting in better time management.
Contributing Activities
Professional Identity & Vision
Exchange semester (ESDi)
During my FBP I did a lot in the Communication area. I worked with three external parties for my project, for whom I had to pitch my project and go into discussion about multiple topics. During my FBP I have also progressed a lot in Planning and Organizing, due to the fact that it was most often my own responsibility to start working, to come up with what to do, and to start organizing my whole project for the semester. This was especially tough in the second half of the semester, because it was harder to organize what still needed to be done. However, that is also when I learned the most about planning and organizing.